You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Program > Edit - Program - Inter Branch Transfer > Introduction to IBT / ICT
Introduction to IBT / ICT

This section outlines the three different models of IBT/ICT that Micronet can be configured for:

It then outlines the restrictions on using IBT/ICT and provides a Glossary of terms.


The Pirtek Model

The Pirtek model has a head office and various stores (IBT Type = Store/Headoffice). Orders are processed as follows:

  1. Each store orders from Head office then:
  1. Initiating company creates a purchase order on a supplier in MDS:
  1. Data.Connect will run at the processing location and process the text file into a picking slip or backorder.
  1. The picking slip or backorder is invoiced by the processing company
  1. The initiating location will load the confirmed goods receipt and process as normal.


The APC Model

The APC model has a head office, various stores and suppliers (IBT Type = Store/Headoffice/Supplier).

Orders are processed as follows:

  1. Each store orders from Head office then:
  1. Initiating company creates a purchase order on a supplier in MDS:
  1. Data.Connect will run at the processing location and process the text file into a backorder and purchase order at the processing location.
  2. The supplier selected for the purchase order at the processing location is selected in the following hierarchy:
  1. The initiating location will receive the goods directly from the supplier.
  1. Data.Connect will run at the processing location, process the text file and create a confirmed goods receipt.
  1. The processing company will load the confirmed goods receipt and post it as costed or uncosted.
  1. The processing company will then run Allocation from Purchasing.
  1. Initiating location will receive the invoice, recall the uncosted receipt, reconcile and posted costed.


The Amber Model

The Amber model has a head office and various stores (IBT Type = Store/Headoffice), and allows manual processing of purchase orders (Manual Processing of PO's = Yes).

Orders are processed as follows:

  1. Each store orders from Head office then:
  1. Initiating company creates a purchase order on a supplier in MDS:
  1. Data.Connect will run at the processing location and process the text file into an e-order.
  1. The initiating company locations are able to edit or add lines on the original purchase (delete is not an option).

Changes are only possible if:

If new items are added to a purchase order, then a new e-order will be created in the processing location.

If items are amended, then the quantity value will be updated on the picking slip, paperless slip or backorder in the processing location.

Editing is not allowed if the status is:

  1. The E-Order can then be loaded using the Invoice Creation program.
  1. When the order or part of the order is ready to be invoiced, the processing location will create an invoice.
  2. Data.Connect will scan invoices and create a confirmed goods receipt at the initiating company.
  3. The initiating location will load the confirmed goods receipt and process as normal.



When using any type of ICT, you must ensure that all companies involved have unique company numbers.



Inter Company File Update

Sometimes called “replication” or “head office maintained”. Aspects of the Inventory master file are kept updated by the Head office and updated each night.

Inter Branch Trading (IBT)

Includes File Update, but adds the ability to pass purchase orders through the Head office and onto the supplier.

Initiating Company

The store or branch

Processing Company

The parent company that maintains the system (Head office)